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    Training for today

    Trainings for everyone regardless of age, gender and level of advancement.
    Tools to choose from: walking, jogging, running, cycling, rollerblading, swimming, etc.
    Training for today drawn for you
    You can order a training that will be randomly selected for you and only you will see it here.

    Step 1.
    Go to the payment page and pay for your order.
    Amount : 1.68EUR (1.75$)

    Step 2.
    If you want to win, go to the Control question / nickname tab and answer the control question (anti-spam)
    *) If you want to keep the training, copy it - we do not save the result of the draw in the order
    **) The trainings are drawn from the full pool of trainings.

    Example of "Training for today"
    Workout set 1
    Tools to choose from: walking, jogging, running, cycling, rollerblading, swimming, etc


    Total time: 45min
    1  10min (intensity: 1)
    2  10min (intensity: 2)
    3  15min (intensity: 3)
    4  10min (intensity: 1)

    1- easy pace.. Breathing does not change. Our standard walk, very easy riding or jogging for runners.
    2- still easy pace but we are already starting to gently take deeper breaths. You can do this type of effort for 1-2 hours
    3- breathing changes. Talking to someone is already a problem. Usually this type of effort can be continued for about 20-30 minutes.
    4- strong pace. There is only a small reserve. We are usually able to withstand this pace for several minutes
    5- maximum intensity. Acceleration of several seconds-several dozen seconds.

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    Training for today