05.03 14:46:40 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post FAQ-en "Can I use "Training for today" as a athlete using BASE/TOP care? (and vice versa)" en 02.03 19:47:51 Somebody used the payment form 02.03 14:07:26 Somebody has updated the "fun fact for today". Fun fact for today "Gorilla Strength" en 02.03 14:06:29 Somebody has updated the "meal in 5min". Meal in 5min "Very traditional" en 02.03 14:05:58 Somebody has updated the "training for today". Training for today "Workout set 3" en 02.03 14:05:58 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post "About Us" en 02.03 08:12:30 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Removal of the "Today's Tip" section from the www.jaca.coach website along with all its content and cleaning of the database." en 02.03 08:08:50 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Removal of the NOTES portal from the server along with all its contents." en 01.03 16:13:24 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post "eBook - "Coming full circle - towards dreams in cycling."" en 01.03 15:21:04 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post "How many meals?" en 01.03 15:20:36 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post "Meal in 5min" en 01.03 08:17:28 Somebody used the payment form 27.02 21:07:03 Somebody has updated the "meal in 5min". Meal in 5min "Dish snack" en 27.02 17:25:55 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20823 en 27.02 12:21:56 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20816 en 26.02 16:22:01 Somebody has updated the "meal in 5min". Meal in 5min "Tasty Mix" en 26.02 12:11:17 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20709 en 26.02 12:10:15 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20704 en 26.02 12:08:30 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20699 en 26.02 12:03:11 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20694 en 25.02 10:56:26 Somebody sent a athlete survey 25.02 10:56:12 Somebody sent a athlete survey 25.02 10:55:27 Somebody sent a athlete survey 25.02 09:12:33 Somebody has updated the "meal in 5min". Meal in 5min "Other bigos" en 24.02 17:38:50 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20622 en 23.02 15:31:27 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20615 en 23.02 15:30:27 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post "Relacja clasicaAlmeria (en)" en 23.02 14:20:48 Somebody used the payment form 23.02 14:20:24 Somebody used the payment form 23.02 14:20:21 Somebody used the payment form 22.02 14:49:24 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Rebuilding the trainer panel (Update)" en 22.02 12:34:38 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News,Notiffications "Data cleaning" en 22.02 08:17:51 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20582 en 22.02 07:25:06 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Login error in JacaCoachAPP" en 21.02 13:02:20 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Balance" en 21.02 12:10:56 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Seawater" en 21.02 12:07:22 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Paths" en 21.02 12:04:10 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Drinking" en 21.02 11:27:22 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Like a cat" en 21.02 10:40:08 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Knowledge" en 21.02 09:58:17 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Carefully thought out" en 21.02 09:46:55 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Workout set 3" en 21.02 09:20:01 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Such a bull" en 21.02 09:12:05 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Workout set 3 " en 21.02 09:09:38 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Day and night" en 21.02 08:56:43 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Workout set 3 " en 21.02 08:43:43 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 3" en 21.02 08:40:49 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Strange" en 21.02 08:36:58 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "As many as fingers we have" en 21.02 08:34:08 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Gardener" en 21.02 08:31:58 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Ground" en 21.02 06:27:00 Somebody has updated the "training for today". Training for today "Workout set 3" en 21.02 06:26:16 Somebody has updated the "meal in 5min". Meal in 5min "Green dish" en 20.02 22:42:41 Somebody just "fun fact for today for you™ drawn 20.02 21:09:28 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 3" en 20.02 20:56:26 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "How to check age" en 20.02 20:47:50 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Meal in 5min "Light dish" en 20.02 20:44:01 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Meal in 5min "Tasty Mix" en 20.02 20:40:26 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Meal in 5min "Other bigos" en 20.02 20:35:16 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Meal in 5min "Green dish" en 20.02 13:29:52 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20411 en 20.02 12:38:24 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20406 en 20.02 11:40:27 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Biceps" en 20.02 09:28:00 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Workout set 3" en 19.02 21:34:22 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Removed misleading messages during the ordering process" en 19.02 17:24:53 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 3|Gym all" en 19.02 16:46:49 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Aging animals" en 19.02 16:40:04 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Plants and Trees Fertilization" en 19.02 16:15:11 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Removed "Recommended pages" tab from the page footer" en 19.02 14:42:26 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Counting" en 19.02 14:24:05 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post FAQ-en "Can I also post the materials posted on www.jaca.coach on my website, blog, etc.?" en 19.02 12:15:29 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Workout set 3|endurance" en 19.02 11:38:36 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Memory" en 19.02 09:02:03 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Own language" en