14.02 08:25:22 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Site redevelopment completed" en 14.02 08:21:37 jacek has updated the "meal in 5min". Meal in 5min "Spinach with bread" en 14.02 08:21:24 ~ jacek 14.02 08:18:49 JacaCoachTEAM just "meal in 5min for you™ drawn 14.02 08:17:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Meal in 5min "Spinach with bread" en 13.02 17:26:15 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19825 en 13.02 17:17:27 jacek has updated the "training for today". Training for today "Training set 2|Off" en 13.02 17:17:17 ~ jacek 13.02 07:20:21 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 2|Off" en 13.02 07:18:45 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 2|Gym legs" en 13.02 07:16:47 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 2|Gym all" en 13.02 07:14:42 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 2|Endurance" en 13.02 07:12:07 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 2|Interwals easy 7min" en 13.02 07:07:20 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Workout set 1|Interwals" en 13.02 07:03:57 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Workout set 2|Tempo" en 13.02 07:00:17 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 2|Off" en 13.02 05:43:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training|Off" en 13.02 05:33:20 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training" en 13.02 05:01:22 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Workout" en 13.02 04:43:46 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training" en 12.02 18:25:08 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19591 en 12.02 18:23:22 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19585 en 12.02 18:21:49 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19579 en 12.02 12:06:56 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News "Statistics analysis" en 12.02 10:57:28 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post "About Us" en 12.02 10:56:57 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post "JacaCoachAPP" en 12.02 10:30:11 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post "Offer" en 12.02 10:28:09 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post "Home" en 12.02 10:13:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Reconstruction and development of the www.jaca.coach website" en 11.02 16:26:59 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 11.02 14:29:52 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 11.02 12:26:12 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 11.02 10:29:47 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 11.02 08:30:50 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Added Statistics button in the Activity section/box" en 11.02 08:18:04 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 11.02 06:16:58 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Fixed bug (incorrect clue draw pool)" en 11.02 05:17:53 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 11.02 02:08:59 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 10.02 22:43:05 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 10.02 20:31:22 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19300 en 10.02 20:18:26 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 10.02 13:17:04 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19220 en 10.02 11:34:16 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "To punish.. start with yourself." en 10.02 11:08:50 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19244 en 10.02 11:06:55 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19220 en 10.02 09:44:17 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Possibility to display the site in other languages ​​(globe icon in the language list at the top of the page)" en 10.02 09:08:12 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19220 en 10.02 09:01:25 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "“What would I do? I am me, you are you.”" en 10.02 08:48:06 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Who creates an unfriendly world, and who suffers from it?" en 10.02 08:45:12 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today ""Don't be so proper!"" en 10.02 08:41:33 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today ""Take something, steal something or something. See how others are doing"" en 10.02 08:38:43 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Build trust" en 10.02 08:35:30 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Overprotective Parent" en 10.02 08:26:34 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "From the fourtyth side : )" en 10.02 08:18:50 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Doing sports during war." en 10.02 08:13:59 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Unequal opportunities. Where they come from and a few stories." en 10.02 08:07:49 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Take the bundle and run. Wherever" en 10.02 06:13:42 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19151 en 10.02 06:12:45 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19146 en 09.02 23:49:11 jacek has updated the "tip for today". Tip for today "After what time can you expect an increase in form?" en 09.02 23:48:52 ~ jacek 09.02 23:46:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19141 en 09.02 23:37:19 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19066 en 09.02 22:18:26 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19131 en 09.02 19:44:17 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19066 en 09.02 19:35:59 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19108 en 09.02 16:40:35 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19066 en 09.02 15:33:14 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19093 en 09.02 15:30:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19088 en 09.02 15:29:30 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19083 en 09.02 15:15:14 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19066 en 09.02 15:05:11 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News "We are changing the way the tip of the day is drawn." en 09.02 14:10:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19066 en 09.02 13:29:27 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19055 en 09.02 11:56:04 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19041 en 09.02 11:34:47 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "New content (all) in the "About Us" tab" en 09.02 08:22:46 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Updated JacaCoachAPP description (About Us and Home Page tabs)" en 09.02 07:49:54 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19014 en 09.02 07:44:50 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19004 en 09.02 07:00:33 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19000 en 08.02 22:10:55 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18995 en 08.02 17:19:22 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Nobody doing his/her best forever :)" en 08.02 17:10:16 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Who has more to offer? Mother Nature or the Internet?" en 08.02 16:41:46 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "And maybe a healthy, athletic person on the beach is a gift for the eyes from Mother Nature?" en 08.02 16:21:12 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today ""No football play", "No running", etc. Are children getting in the way?" en 08.02 14:35:59 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Does the smell of the body, of sweat, depend on the food consumed?" en 08.02 14:17:11 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Is being a parent our main goal and the greatest pleasure that Mother Nature has given us? Without the possibility of choice?" en 08.02 14:09:30 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "A man feels best in the company of men, a woman in the company of women, but same-sex relationships are disgusting" en 08.02 14:03:11 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Condemnation of homosexuality. Nature or conflict of interest? Or maybe elimination of competition?" en 08.02 14:00:12 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Admiring your own body and being disgusted by the body of someone of the same sex" en 08.02 11:48:09 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Body makes character." en 08.02 11:39:28 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Body or Character?" en 08.02 09:10:14 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today ""You're complicating it unnecessarily" interesting story" en 08.02 08:59:23 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Muscle pain after training, where does it come from?" en 08.02 08:35:31 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Our research" en 08.02 07:48:40 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Speed, strength, or endurance" en 08.02 07:42:14 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Schemes, good or bad?" en 08.02 07:32:23 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Routine" en 08.02 07:15:18 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18872 en 08.02 07:14:59 JacaCoachTEAM removed entry from activity (entry visible in archive) en