01.02 06:54:48 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Two coaches" en 01.02 07:12:49 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Maybe you don't deserve it yet" en 01.02 07:34:55 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Our Sayings" en 01.02 07:40:04 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Famous proverbs" en 01.02 07:50:17 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Eating during training" en 01.02 07:57:02 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Drinking during training" en 01.02 08:01:32 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "How much to eat during training" en 01.02 08:24:31 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Post FAQ-en "I don't want to do cycling but I want to train with JacaCoachTEAM" en 01.02 08:30:28 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Post FAQ-en "I am a total amateur. Where to start cooperation?" en 01.02 10:53:55 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Inevitable things" en 01.02 11:15:03 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Our Sayings" en 01.02 11:21:22 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Body shaving in sports 1" en 01.02 11:25:18 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Famous proverbs" en 01.02 11:41:15 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Body Shaving in Sports 2" en 01.02 14:02:59 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Body shaving in sports 3" en 01.02 14:12:11 jacek JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Saddle height on a bike" en 01.02 16:05:55 JacaCoachTEAM introduced Post zmiany w systemie "Dodanie PayPal jako formę płatności" pl 01.02 16:05:57 JacaCoachTEAM introduced Post zmiany w systemie "Dodanie PayPal jako formę płatności" pl 01.02 16:29:31 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Adding PayPal as a payment method" en 01.02 16:39:49 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Change sorting to "random" (all "Today's Tips" page in the store)." en 01.02 16:44:24 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Possibility to add information in activities regarding changes in the system (JacaCoachAPP, Website) introduced by JacaCoachTEAM" en 01.02 21:25:49 Somebody used the payment form 01.02 21:28:30 Somebody used the payment form 01.02 21:39:16 Somebody used the payment form 01.02 21:47:21 JacaCoachTEAM used the payment form 02.02 04:02:07 Somebody just "tip for today for you™ drawn 02.02 06:03:15 Somebody just "tip for today for you™ drawn 02.02 06:13:49 Somebody just "tip for today for you™ drawn 02.02 06:16:51 Somebody just "tip for today for you™ drawn 02.02 06:26:16 Somebody just "tip for today for you™ drawn 02.02 06:38:44 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Anti-spam protection in the "Tip for today drawn for you" section" en 02.02 06:44:49 Somebody just "tip for today for you™ drawn 02.02 06:52:58 Somebody just "tip for today for you™ drawn 02.02 07:06:47 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Additional anti-spam protection in the "Tip for today drawn for you" section" en 02.02 07:13:19 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Displaying information in activities about: new order, use of payment form, sent player survey" en 02.02 08:04:52 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Discrepancies between power measurements" en 02.02 08:15:54 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Zones by feel?" en 02.02 08:21:53 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Our Sayings 4" en 02.02 08:24:14 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Our Sayings 5" en 02.02 08:32:45 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "The heart will tell you the truth" en 02.02 08:43:58 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Discrepancies in speed measurements?" en 02.02 08:54:01 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Speed, the importance of this measurement" en 02.02 15:52:04 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18257 en 02.02 22:05:33 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18264 en 03.02 05:46:07 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today ""Free ride"" en 03.02 06:02:40 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today ""On the ruler" are not like this creating..?" en 03.02 06:12:00 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "By the hand by the hand... and what next?" en 03.02 06:19:02 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "3 components of training" en 03.02 06:25:41 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "The Spirit of Sport" en 03.02 07:44:19 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system ""Show all" button in the Today's Tip section on the home page and an updated list view of all tips in the store." en 03.02 08:54:02 test placed an order 03.02 09:54:50 Somebody used the payment form 03.02 10:16:55 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Search engine on the store page in products where you can choose the topics "Today's Tip" and "Sport by JacaCoach". Additionally, the ability to search for one random tip." en 03.02 11:16:25 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News "Server configuration change" en 03.02 11:20:37 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Changing server configuration." en 03.02 12:31:25 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Increased server performance" en 03.02 12:45:54 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Cambiar cómo se muestra el botón Me gusta ♥" en 03.02 12:46:22 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Changing how the like button ♥ is displayed" en 03.02 14:35:44 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Displaying information in activities about the creation of a temporary nickname." en 03.02 14:37:47 JacaCoachTEAM ~ jack 03.02 14:40:01 JacaCoachTEAM ~ jacek 03.02 14:40:42 Somebody ~ jacek 03.02 14:43:56 Somebody ~ jacek 03.02 14:45:36 ~ jacek 03.02 15:02:14 ~ jacek2 03.02 15:05:07 ~ nick-test 03.02 15:17:31 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Added anti-spam control to the temporary nickname creation form." en 03.02 16:42:07 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18340 en 03.02 19:21:24 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "There are secrets in sports too. If something has to be hidden, it means that..?" en 03.02 19:42:24 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Our Sayings „Simple" en 03.02 19:43:58 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Our Sayings „Those.." en 03.02 19:45:32 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Famous proverbs „What.." en 03.02 19:46:56 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Our Sayings „Alo.." en 03.02 19:48:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Famous proverbs "Nothing.." en 03.02 19:49:41 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Our Sayings "Golden.." en 03.02 22:07:58 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18371 en 03.02 22:09:46 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18378 en 04.02 07:38:05 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Famous proverbs "The.." en 04.02 07:39:57 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Famous proverbs "The world.." en 04.02 08:02:23 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today ""Honor"" en 04.02 08:22:07 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Ideals don't exist, or maybe they do?" en 04.02 08:36:00 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Who gives and takes away, you know" en 04.02 09:10:05 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "If someone does something for you, whose work is it?" en 04.02 10:32:53 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Every country has its customs, and your complexion will tell you what's on the shelves" en 04.02 10:51:08 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Every country has its customs, and complexion will tell you what's on the shelves" en 04.02 11:47:33 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Privacy - where is the boundary and who sets it?" en 04.02 11:52:54 ~ jacek 04.02 11:53:06 JacaCoachTEAM has updated the "tip for today". Tip for today "Privacy - where is the boundary and who sets it?" en 04.02 12:06:57 JacaCoachTEAM added like Tip for today "Privacy - where is the boundary and who sets it?" en 04.02 12:17:18 JacaCoachTEAM added like Tip for today "Prywatność - gdzie granica i kto ustala?" 04.02 13:17:25 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18441 en 04.02 18:10:04 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "" en 04.02 18:11:42 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Has coach JacaCoach ever taken prohibited substances?" en 04.02 22:16:33 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18461 en 04.02 22:20:50 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18468 en 04.02 22:26:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18475 en 05.02 06:11:27 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18482 en 05.02 06:15:09 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18489 en 05.02 08:12:45 ~ test 05.02 08:15:04 JacaCoachTEAM removed entry from activity (entry visible in archive) en 05.02 08:17:28 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Possibility for JacaCoachTEAM to remove an entry from an activity and leave this entry in an archive file available to all website users." en 05.02 09:35:44 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Rebuilding the trainer panel" en 05.02 10:09:36 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Is hiding something always a bad thing?" en 05.02 11:40:38 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Feeling Successful at a Young Age and Adulthood" en 05.02 11:50:44 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Feeling of failure and age" en 05.02 15:42:35 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18529 en 05.02 19:25:07 JacaCoachTEAM used the payment form 05.02 19:26:06 JacaCoachTEAM removed entry from activity (entry visible in archive) en 05.02 22:15:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18536 en 05.02 22:16:42 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18543 en 06.02 05:10:44 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18550 en 06.02 05:26:00 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "How important is the individual" en 06.02 06:07:46 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "1 "wattish" matters" en 06.02 06:14:21 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Everyone has the same possibilities?" en 06.02 06:35:53 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News "Why exactly these languages ​​on the site?" en 06.02 07:01:15 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18590 en 06.02 07:19:14 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18597 en 06.02 08:43:13 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Possibility to add a report (photo) in 3 language versions automatically" en 06.02 10:15:44 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18685 en 06.02 11:05:16 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18694 en 06.02 11:22:14 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Changing how the "Like" button is displayed" en 06.02 12:38:40 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "New "what will you find here?" subpage and a link to it on the main page." en 06.02 12:42:06 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News "Why exactly these languages ​​on the site?" en 06.02 12:45:22 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Added mention of Google Translate to the news item "Why these particular languages ​​on the site."" en 06.02 13:06:36 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Work of an athlete, coach, taxes, contracts, certificates, etc." en 06.02 13:14:46 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Content Proofreading "What You'll Find Here"" en 06.02 15:30:26 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Change of account number" en 06.02 15:32:21 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Update payment tab (bank account number)" en 06.02 16:56:37 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Coach is a coach, but everyone is the master of their own fate and the creator of their own world." en 06.02 18:33:41 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Payment details also in the JacaCoachAPP application in the Payments tab" en 06.02 18:41:21 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Transfer details in the JacaCoachAPP application" en 07.02 00:02:45 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18772 en 07.02 00:04:16 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18777 en 07.02 06:36:23 Somebody has updated the "tip for today". Tip for today "Taking care of your own body from a slightly different perspective" en 07.02 07:16:20 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18782 en 07.02 07:25:51 JacaCoachTEAM added like Tip for today "Dbanie o własne ciało z trochę innej strony" 07.02 07:26:52 ~ jacek 07.02 07:27:55 jacek added like Tip for today "Dbanie o własne ciało z trochę innej strony" 07.02 08:02:15 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Members of JacaCoachTEAM in the form of a tip." en 07.02 08:15:57 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18794 en 07.02 08:16:50 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18799 en 07.02 08:37:48 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News "We present statistics" en 07.02 09:05:48 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18809 en 07.02 10:18:12 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Payments tabs update" en 07.02 11:38:41 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18827 en 07.02 15:44:49 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18835 en 07.02 18:38:35 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News "JacaCoachAPP an integral part of the entire system" en 07.02 18:48:08 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18847 en 07.02 22:10:14 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18854 en 08.02 07:09:34 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18859 en 08.02 07:11:50 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18864 en 08.02 07:14:59 JacaCoachTEAM removed entry from activity (entry visible in archive) en 08.02 07:15:18 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18872 en 08.02 07:32:23 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Routine" en 08.02 07:42:14 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Schemes, good or bad?" en 08.02 07:48:40 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Speed, strength, or endurance" en 08.02 08:35:31 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Our research" en 08.02 08:59:23 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Muscle pain after training, where does it come from?" en 08.02 09:10:14 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today ""You're complicating it unnecessarily" interesting story" en 08.02 11:39:28 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Body or Character?" en 08.02 11:48:09 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Body makes character." en 08.02 14:00:12 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Admiring your own body and being disgusted by the body of someone of the same sex" en 08.02 14:03:11 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Condemnation of homosexuality. Nature or conflict of interest? Or maybe elimination of competition?" en 08.02 14:09:30 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "A man feels best in the company of men, a woman in the company of women, but same-sex relationships are disgusting" en 08.02 14:17:11 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Is being a parent our main goal and the greatest pleasure that Mother Nature has given us? Without the possibility of choice?" en 08.02 14:35:59 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Does the smell of the body, of sweat, depend on the food consumed?" en 08.02 16:21:12 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today ""No football play", "No running", etc. Are children getting in the way?" en 08.02 16:41:46 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "And maybe a healthy, athletic person on the beach is a gift for the eyes from Mother Nature?" en 08.02 17:10:16 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Who has more to offer? Mother Nature or the Internet?" en 08.02 17:19:22 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Nobody doing his/her best forever :)" en 08.02 22:10:55 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18995 en 09.02 07:00:33 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19000 en 09.02 07:44:50 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19004 en 09.02 07:49:54 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19014 en 09.02 08:22:46 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Updated JacaCoachAPP description (About Us and Home Page tabs)" en 09.02 11:34:47 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "New content (all) in the "About Us" tab" en 09.02 11:56:04 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19041 en 09.02 13:29:27 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19055 en 09.02 14:10:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19066 en 09.02 15:05:11 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News "We are changing the way the tip of the day is drawn." en 09.02 15:15:14 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19066 en 09.02 15:29:30 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19083 en 09.02 15:30:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19088 en 09.02 15:33:14 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19093 en 09.02 16:40:35 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19066 en 09.02 19:35:59 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19108 en 09.02 19:44:17 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19066 en 09.02 22:18:26 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19131 en 09.02 23:37:19 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19066 en 09.02 23:46:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19141 en 09.02 23:48:52 ~ jacek 09.02 23:49:11 jacek has updated the "tip for today". Tip for today "After what time can you expect an increase in form?" en 10.02 06:12:45 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19146 en 10.02 06:13:42 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19151 en 10.02 08:07:49 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Take the bundle and run. Wherever" en 10.02 08:13:59 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Unequal opportunities. Where they come from and a few stories." en 10.02 08:18:50 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Doing sports during war." en 10.02 08:26:34 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "From the fourtyth side : )" en 10.02 08:35:30 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Overprotective Parent" en 10.02 08:38:43 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Build trust" en 10.02 08:41:33 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today ""Take something, steal something or something. See how others are doing"" en 10.02 08:45:12 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today ""Don't be so proper!"" en 10.02 08:48:06 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Who creates an unfriendly world, and who suffers from it?" en 10.02 09:01:25 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "“What would I do? I am me, you are you.”" en 10.02 09:08:12 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19220 en 10.02 09:44:17 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Possibility to display the site in other languages ​​(globe icon in the language list at the top of the page)" en 10.02 11:06:55 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19220 en 10.02 11:08:50 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19244 en 10.02 11:34:16 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "To punish.. start with yourself." en 10.02 13:17:04 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19220 en 10.02 20:18:26 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 10.02 20:31:22 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19300 en 10.02 22:43:05 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 11.02 02:08:59 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 11.02 05:17:53 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 11.02 06:16:58 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Fixed bug (incorrect clue draw pool)" en 11.02 08:18:04 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 11.02 08:30:50 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Added Statistics button in the Activity section/box" en 11.02 10:29:47 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 11.02 12:26:12 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 11.02 14:29:52 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 11.02 16:26:59 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Others "Statistics" en 12.02 10:13:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Reconstruction and development of the www.jaca.coach website" en 12.02 10:28:09 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post "Home" en 12.02 10:30:11 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post "Offer" en 12.02 10:56:57 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post "JacaCoachAPP" en 12.02 10:57:28 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post "About Us" en 12.02 12:06:56 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News "Statistics analysis" en 12.02 13:25:53 ~ test 12.02 13:27:32 ~ test2 12.02 12:30:19 JacaCoachTEAM removed entry from activity (entry visible in archive) en 12.02 18:21:49 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19579 en 12.02 18:23:22 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19585 en 12.02 18:25:08 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19591 en 13.02 04:43:46 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training" en 13.02 05:01:22 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Workout" en 13.02 05:33:20 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training" en 13.02 05:43:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training|Off" en 13.02 07:00:17 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 2|Off" en 13.02 07:03:57 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Workout set 2|Tempo" en 13.02 07:07:20 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Workout set 1|Interwals" en 13.02 07:12:07 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 2|Interwals easy 7min" en 13.02 07:14:42 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 2|Endurance" en 13.02 07:16:47 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 2|Gym all" en 13.02 07:18:45 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 2|Gym legs" en 13.02 07:20:21 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 2|Off" en 13.02 17:17:17 ~ jacek 13.02 17:17:27 jacek has updated the "training for today". Training for today "Training set 2|Off" en 13.02 17:26:15 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #19825 en 14.02 06:51:25 Somebody used the payment form 14.02 06:51:40 Somebody used the payment form 14.02 06:51:44 Somebody used the payment form 14.02 08:17:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Meal in 5min "Spinach with bread" en 14.02 08:18:49 JacaCoachTEAM just "meal in 5min for you™ drawn 14.02 08:21:24 ~ jacek 14.02 08:21:37 jacek has updated the "meal in 5min". Meal in 5min "Spinach with bread" en 14.02 08:25:22 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Site redevelopment completed" en 14.02 09:18:34 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News "We have finished expanding the website. What's new?" en 14.02 09:51:52 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Unlocking the content of the "Meal in 5min" page" en 14.02 12:14:08 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Fun fact - cheetah" en 14.02 12:15:04 ~ jacek 14.02 12:15:13 jacek has updated the "fun fact for today". Fun fact for today "Fun fact - cheetah" en 14.02 12:19:58 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Fun fact - sea water" en 14.02 12:25:18 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Fun fact - the age of trees" en 14.02 12:37:43 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Fun fact - muscles remember" en 14.02 12:40:39 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "A new section has been created on the website: "Interesting fact for today"" en 14.02 12:51:22 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News "We have finished expanding the website. What's new?" en 14.02 15:49:38 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Meal in 5min "Apple" en 14.02 15:56:17 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Meal in 5min "Peanuts" en 14.02 16:10:47 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Meal in 5min "Cool meal :)" en 14.02 16:12:21 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Meal in 5min "Cool dish :)" en 14.02 16:19:45 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Meal in 5min "Zucchini puree" en 14.02 16:23:56 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Meal in 5min "Orange" en 14.02 16:55:37 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Women's right to vote" en 14.02 17:02:33 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Gorilla Strength" en 14.02 17:27:25 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "How much water in the body" en 14.02 20:23:25 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Meal in 5min "Spinach with bread" en 14.02 22:42:30 Somebody just "training for today for you™ drawn 15.02 11:54:10 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20104 en 15.02 14:06:50 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Fun fact for today "Processing of stones by nature" en 15.02 14:53:55 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Training for today "Training set 3|Off" en 15.02 19:19:11 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post "Meals - Units and consistency" en 15.02 20:50:31 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Meal in 5min "Zucchini soup" en 15.02 22:46:55 ~ g4ck 15.02 22:47:00 ~ g4ck 15.02 22:47:09 ~ g4ck 15.02 22:47:10 ~ g4ck 15.02 22:47:10 ~ g4ck 15.02 22:47:10 ~ g4ck 15.02 22:47:11 ~ g4ck 15.02 22:47:11 ~ g4ck 15.02 22:47:11 ~ g4ck 15.02 22:47:12 ~ g4ck 15.02 22:47:12 ~ g4ck 15.02 22:47:12 ~ g4ck 15.02 22:47:12 ~ g4ck 15.02 22:47:12 ~ g4ck 15.02 23:01:41 JacaCoachTEAM removed entry from activity (entry visible in archive) en 16.02 08:47:42 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Incorrect message" en 16.02 11:45:49 JacaCoachTEAM added like Story #20101txt16.02 11:48:21 JacaCoachTEAM added like Story #20101 22.02 07:25:06 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Login error in JacaCoachAPP" en 22.02 08:17:51 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20582 en 22.02 12:34:38 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News,Notiffications "Data cleaning" en 22.02 14:49:24 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Rebuilding the trainer panel (Update)" en 23.02 14:20:21 Somebody used the payment form 23.02 14:20:24 Somebody used the payment form 23.02 14:20:48 Somebody used the payment form 23.02 15:30:27 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post "Relacja clasicaAlmeria (en)" en 23.02 15:31:27 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20615 en 24.02 17:38:50 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20622 en 25.02 09:12:33 Somebody has updated the "meal in 5min". Meal in 5min "Other bigos" en 25.02 10:55:27 Somebody sent a athlete survey 25.02 10:56:12 Somebody sent a athlete survey 25.02 10:56:26 Somebody sent a athlete survey 26.02 12:03:11 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20694 en 26.02 12:08:30 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20699 en 26.02 12:10:15 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20704 en 26.02 12:11:17 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20709 en 26.02 16:22:01 Somebody has updated the "meal in 5min". Meal in 5min "Tasty Mix" en 27.02 07:45:06 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News,What distinguishes JacaCoach "Availability" en 27.02 12:21:56 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20816 en 27.02 17:25:55 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #20823 en 27.02 21:07:03 Somebody has updated the "meal in 5min". Meal in 5min "Dish snack" en