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    About Us

    1. Cycling
    We deal with cycling training at every level. From total amateur to professional practicing of this sport.
    Coach Jacek’s main tool is JacaCoachAPP. An application developed over the years. It contains everything a coach needs to lead a competitor.

    It is a quite systematized type of training and cooperation.

    2. “Training for today” (you will do it using available training tools such as cycling, running, walking, rollerblading, swimming, etc.)
    A kind of looser approach to sport. Depending on your needs, it can be a bit of a fun approach, but you can also approach it more seriously and build very high sports form by implementing “Training for today”.

    3. MIX
    You can also combine the first two points.
    – Periodically use BASE/TOP care and periodically use “Training for today”. One type can be a permanent form of training, the other a 2-4 week break, e.g. in the form of a training camp.
    It can be especially useful in periods of decreased motivation, when a feeling of monotony appears.
    (read more in FAQ tab)

    4. “Meal in 5min”
    Sport is not just training. It is also food. For this purpose, we created “Meal in 5min”. We do not want to complicate the world of sport. Quite the opposite. It is to be open to everyone. “Meal in 5min” is something trivially simple. Simple but effective. In such a simple way, you can be an athlete.

    5. “Fun Fact for Today”
    There are also moments of relaxation in life. Not only sports. For this purpose, we created “Fun Fact for Today”. We observe the world, we are fascinated by it, and we share some observations with you. Interesting facts sometimes in a humorous form, sometimes a bit in the form of “dry facts”.