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  • Szukaj
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    Fear of action

    Such thoughts.
    Sometimes, out of fear, we do things that are incompatible with each other.
    There is also a lot of fear in sports. Many things are hidden. Many things are passed over in silence, and as we know, silence means consent.
    As the saying goes: "fear is a bad advisor".
    Literally, fear is probably the "bad" one that gives advice.

    Out of fear, you can also not do such terribly simple and obvious things. For example, you can not answer "hello" to someone! Because maybe it is not appropriate? Maybe I should not. Because they are the enemy of this or that. Because they are too old, too young, too pretty, because the partner(s) will get offended.
    And so, because of fear, because of a seemingly small thing, we can do someone a huge amount of harm!
    We can even turn someone's life upside down!
    Yes, if someone is disappointed... it has a lot of power.

    And now what, look for the cause? Why did we behave like that, why were we afraid? Who is to blame for this? Who or what were we afraid of?
    I was afraid, I hurt someone because of it.
    MY FAULT!!!
    I regret it. Guilty. It doesn't matter that it was because of fear.
    Let the next ones account for their decisions and behavior.
    I failed.
    I'm fixing it.
    Maybe it will work, maybe not.
    I'm not sorry, I'm fixing it.
    End of story.

    Living in fear is not beautiful :)

    And fear has big eyes (btw)

    Does hard work pay off?

    I think so.
    That's what the coach said.
    Pay adequate to the work done.
    Does work that contributes nothing to someone's life have any value? Probably not.
    You'll shovel 10 tons of sand to check.
    You'll get muscles, a strengthened back.
    Maybe corns and a pain in your lower back for your stupidity :)
    Pay adequate to the work.

    You want to win the race.
    You'll drive 200 km several times for no reason.
    It'll be the same as with sand.
    Pointless work, pointless result in the race.

    And what if you do something big for someone?
    You think it through, you plan, you have wisdom, strength and common sense.
    I guess it depends on whether someone received something big from you. Or maybe your work didn't reach anyone. Maybe you thought you had wisdom :)
    If it did - something big should be expected in return.
    If not - the only payment will be another experience gained. Gained experience and the opportunity to try again, of course :)

    And if there is no payment that interests you for the work done?
    Maybe you are not interested in money?
    Maybe you want to win over a certain person who seems unattainable. Who is already happy with someone else.
    This is also work! but NO ONE will guarantee you another person as a payment.
    It is definitely possible.
    But it must be terribly difficult.
    And you can definitely fall in battle.
    If you do not make this person interested in you with your work. There will simply be no payment.

    I guess we create the payment ourselves.
    I guess that is what this work is all about :)
    And fortunately, there is probably no clear answer to this question. I guess there cannot be.
    I guess that is the beauty and complexity of life.

    Is competition among adults different from that among younger competitors?

    From the experience and observations of the coach.
    Yes and no.
    There are a lot of young talents.
    For example: there are probably 500 competitors willing to participate in the Polish Championships in the younger categories.

    There are already several dozen elite (adult) competitors in the national championships.

    Many very talented young cyclists choose a different path. Maybe they do not have the psychological predispositions, maybe lack of support, maybe other factors. Only a few reach the elite. Individuals... if not an individual from several years.
    Winning a medal in the national championships in the junior younger/junior categories... is something big. Very big.

    The competition itself is also a bit different. More spontaneous. A bit chaotic. There is no such contact with the sports director (coach). The competitors are on their own. No one directs, no one arranges the race from the car.
    The competitors already have tactical experience, but there is no money in it yet. You can afford to be "insubordinate". You can make mistakes. But they also make mistakes. They overestimate their strength. There is no such calculation. There are friendships. Light, a bit brotherly. Especially in their so-called "districts".
    Beautiful racing :)

    Zucchini recipe

    Zucchini puree
    Grated or diced ¼ zucchini
    4 slightly heaped tablespoons flour
    about 5 tablespoons water
    2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    salt, pepper, garlic, onion (to taste)
    Here prepared in a sandwich maker (about 5 min)
    Drenched in vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) and sprinkled with pepper.
    Enjoy :)

    The beauty of amateur races

    The amateur peloton is interesting fun. As a rule, these are "one-man teams", i.e. anyone who wants to compete starts and competes on their own account.
    Something beautiful.
    Everyone can show off their strength, technical and tactical skills.
    Contrary to appearances, the speeds in amateur races do not differ significantly from the speeds of professionals.
    In both cases, it is usually 40-45 km/h (average).
    In the amateur peloton, there are also breakaways, chases, crashes and fast finishes. The chases are a bit different. On the basis of an alliance with other competitors (common interest) or solo jumps.
    Very good fun and usually sports competition.

    Of course, teams also appear, but fortunately they are not as well organized as in the professional peloton. Often, the teams include competitors with a past as competitive cyclists. If the rules were to be transferred from the professional peloton to the amateur peloton (which happens), then a single rider (a typical amateur) would have to ride either in front of the peloton or behind. Because someone will accuse him of squeezing in between the riders from one team, which is spreading out its leader to the finish. Unwritten rules :)

    The privilege of talking. The ability to communicate in sports.

    According to the coach, talking to someone is a privilege, a distinction.
    We don't always feel like talking to someone. You can dislike someone. You can be afraid of someone.
    That's what life is all about! That's what we have free will for!
    To be the kind of person that people would want to talk to us! Try to talk to someone?

    Communication in sports is very important.
    It's difficult because there's money. I pay, so you have to talk. You have to do this and that.
    Maybe said in a twisted way, maybe directly.
    And that's where the spirit of sports ends.

    "Don't talk to strangers"
    But you have to talk to a policeman, a teacher, an official, or ultimately in court. You have to and that's it. If you don't believe me, check it out.

    A conversation with a coach usually doesn't look like a conversation with a coach:
    "Coach, I have a doubt. Could you look at my training schedule when you have a free moment? I'd be grateful"

    No, no.
    "check my training! It's a scandal that I can't contact you at any time!"

    Unfortunately. Money.

    Something went wrong.

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