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    The privilege of talking. The ability to communicate in sports.

    According to the coach, talking to someone is a privilege, a distinction.
    We don't always feel like talking to someone. You can dislike someone. You can be afraid of someone.
    That's what life is all about! That's what we have free will for!
    To be the kind of person that people would want to talk to us! Try to talk to someone?

    Communication in sports is very important.
    It's difficult because there's money. I pay, so you have to talk. You have to do this and that.
    Maybe said in a twisted way, maybe directly.
    And that's where the spirit of sports ends.

    "Don't talk to strangers"
    But you have to talk to a policeman, a teacher, an official, or ultimately in court. You have to and that's it. If you don't believe me, check it out.

    A conversation with a coach usually doesn't look like a conversation with a coach:
    "Coach, I have a doubt. Could you look at my training schedule when you have a free moment? I'd be grateful"

    No, no.
    "check my training! It's a scandal that I can't contact you at any time!"

    Unfortunately. Money.

    Something went wrong.

    Strong body, strong spirit. The so-called HORSE

    A well-known saying "a healthy mind in a healthy body".
    So also a strong mind in a strong body.
    So how is it?
    Obviously. A horse is a symbol of strength.
    A strong cyclist is called a "HORSE". You HORSE!
    If a horse is so strong, how on earth did it allow itself to be enslaved, beaten and exploited?
    According to the trainer.
    Maybe the horse was deceived?
    Maybe it has some physical limitations when it comes to defense?
    Maybe it allowed itself to be broken!
    It seems that a horse is a very good creature.

    That's just how it is. It probably won't kill. It will pull a cart, you can ride it. You can treat it with a whip.

    Beautiful in the wild, full of energy and vigor. Currently a slightly sad creature... but strong and proud nonetheless.

    Animal training

    I guess few people know what the life of a sports horse can look like. Not a racing horse. A horse used for tourist carriages.
    The trainer knows a story:
    A pair of horses were pulling a tourist carriage full of people. About 15 people.
    One horse looked stronger. A draft horse.
    The other one was probably younger, slender, as if it was a racing horse.
    The carriage was being pulled through the streets of the city.
    The horses started riding faster, "urged on" by the driver. It was possible that it was a gallop or something similar.
    The smaller horse probably couldn't keep up.
    Maybe he was too weak.
    A conversation between two men (the driver and some deputy)
    "Don't hit him like that. He's still young!"
    "He has to learn! He has to improve his body efficiency!"
    A guy from the mountains, a so-called shepherd, I think, and he's talking about body efficiency?
    A bit of a shock.
    But still.
    Shepherd the coach.
    A true story.
    Such training methods, as you can see, also exist if someone has a problem with motivation :)


    Small mistake (corrected).
    Votes from polls are now summed up from all language versions ;)

    How do I know whether to go a step further?

    A terribly difficult topic.
    You can go through life alone.
    And do it step by step.. and so on until the end of your days.

    But maybe someone is watching you and likes the direction you are going. The way you are going.
    Maybe someone will add their own idea, vision.
    Maybe they will present you with their dreams that are similar to yours, maybe they see more, see where your steps can lead?
    They will probably join you.
    Then these are "your" steps.
    The steps will probably change. They can be bigger, more certain.
    Maybe others will join.
    A certain responsibility will appear.
    Everyone is walking in the same direction. Sometimes someone stays. Sometimes someone jumps ahead.
    Maybe sometimes you have to wait for the rest? (“come on, you cowards!”)
    Maybe sometimes you have to catch up with the rest?
    A bit like.. "one for all, all for one".
    A beautiful story..

    It is the same in sports.
    Someone has a vision of themselves. Dreams.
    Other people appear.
    They join. Coaches. Teams. Colleagues.
    You walk together.
    You take a step forward, sometimes they don't.
    Maybe they take a step forward, and you don't.
    Maybe you take a step forward together, maybe a few.
    Maybe you'll be alone sometimes.
    Maybe you'll decide to take a step in a completely different direction. Maybe not.

    And so, each next step is an individual matter.

    According to the trainer, it's beautiful to be in a group of people without whom you can't imagine taking the next step :)

    How do I know if I’m doing something right?

    According to the coach, we should start from the basics.
    First: What we're born with.
    And we're not born to do sports, but to feel good about ourselves.
    If you do well, everything you do to another person should make you proud. You can tell them what you're doing, what you're planning, you've done it. No secret.
    We're born with it and that's what our life is mainly about (according to the coach).

    We're also born with the ability to walk and run. We walk, if we get tired, we rest. There's a need to get somewhere faster, we run. If we get tired, we rest. We're unlikely to make a mistake here either. It's in our blood.

    Sports appear. Cycling. Competition.
    We're not born with it. It's something that was invented by humans.
    You have to learn it.
    Crossing boundaries, training at the edge of endurance, extracting everything that can be extracted from the body.
    These are not natural things. There are already injuries, the body's defense.
    The body is beautiful and can adapt to various conditions, various levels of effort and needs. And this is what is used in sports.
    And this is where coaches come to the rescue. Because in this case, instinct... there practically can be no instinct.

    Athlete culture

    The greater the athlete's class and strength, the greater the culture.
    This is the coach's opinion.

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