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    Do I have to provide an email address and my name and surname?

    No. JacaCoachTEAM has introduced the possibility of placing orders without having to provide my name and surname and email address. Just provide a Nickname and use the same when paying for the order.

    The same applies when establishing cooperation in the field of coaching care - personal data and email address are no longer required (of course, nothing changes in terms of the other parameters of the training person such as age, weight, availability, etc.).
    Something at the expense of something and any links, passwords should of course be saved on your own because in such a case (no email address) there is no possibility of recalling this data.

    P.S. In payment systems, an email address and personal data are required, but they do not have to belong to the person placing the order (note: JacaCoachTEAM does not save data from the payment form but has access to them in the payment system or in the transfer data).

    Personal data and e-mail address are no longer required to place an order and cooperate.

    As of today, JacaCoachTEAM introduces the possibility of placing orders without having to provide your name and surname and e-mail address. Just provide a Nickname and use the same when paying for the order.

    The same when establishing cooperation in the field of coaching care - personal data and e-mail address are no longer required (of course, nothing changes in terms of the other parameters of the training person such as age, weight, availability, etc.).
    Something at the expense of something and any links, passwords should of course be saved on your own because in such a case (no e-mail address) there is no possibility of recalling this data.

    P.S. In payment systems, an e-mail address and personal data are required, but they do not have to belong to the person placing the order (note: JacaCoachTEAM does not save data from the payment form but has access to them in the payment system or in the transfer data).

    The Magic of the Press

    Just a curiosity.
    A curiosity about the fact that it is becoming increasingly difficult to talk freely, with anyone. About what athletes face, especially today.

    It used to be instilled that you don't talk about someone behind their back. "You don't gossip."
    What is writing an article about another person, about an athlete in our case?
    Is the writer able to say the same thing to the athlete's face, what they wrote about them on the Internet, said on the air, wrote in the newspaper?
    And who is the reader, listening to such arguments?
    Whether they want it or not, it is the person "gossiping" about the athlete. Because in the presence of this athlete they most likely wouldn't listen to this "uh, but he/she is standing here!!!!"

    That's most likely how it would be. Practically always.
    Such a trap of the current times :)
    Such gossiping on an unimaginable scale :)
    A trap, because it doesn't end with unpunished "spitting" of a public figure. This is becoming common among us.

    And how to do sports in such conditions?

    Sometimes an athlete can't stand it and is rude to the person they are talking to, also in public, also on a larger scale.

    (Let's not forget that an athlete is a person with character - that's why we love and admire them)
    But then they have to have a built-up position, trust, strength to survive what awaits them :)

    And how can a person who is written about, or talked about here and there, talk to anyone, knowing that the person they are talking about "knows something about them". They know something, but they won't say it, they don't want to bring up the topic that's on their mind, they are ashamed, afraid of the reaction.

    It gets awkward :)

    It can happen that someone who is written about, talks in public, talks to others pretending "that everything is normal" :)
    And we have the so-called "stardom" because it creates distance :)

    There is no clue here. Because there is money on every side, etc. But let's not be surprised that it is becoming increasingly difficult to have an honest conversation :)

    Some on doping, some not

    In a certain book we will find the story of a cyclist who claims that in the glory years of doping, some races could be completed, even won, clean.
    A few thoughts from a coach. If someone pushes their limits while on doping at even one race in their life, at even one sports camp, then forever, at every race, they will have a part and power of the person using doping.

    Despite the fact that during the inspection they are of course "clean as a whistle".
    That's just how it is.
    The hardest thing is to enter somewhere for the first time. Coming back is much, much easier. It's the same with power.
    This is probably a procedure used often, isn't it?

    A few words about doping

    There was a time in the history of cycling when some top riders stated that "everyone took it".
    And what if someone didn't want to "take"?
    Were they supported by others?
    Probably not.
    If they managed to survive, if they ran a clean race, if they managed to compete without doping. It would turn out that these "everyone" are terribly mistaken. That they are cheaters.
    And yes, everyone takes it. There is no cheating - everyone has the same.
    Such a "clean" rider is doomed. There is no place for them in the peloton. They don't exist.
    And the best thing about it all is that it benefits the others.
    "Either you do what we do, or we'll do whatever it takes, and we'll keep going until you do what we do."

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