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    Update of the offer and additional options

    In the JacaCoachAPP application, we leave one option of "another sport" as a variant in case of equipment problems. This is related to the modification of the offer, in which we leave the types of coaching care that are in the greatest demand (and we focus on them).

    And the less you know..

    The less you know the happier you are.
    A joke for today.
    Would sport be beautiful if someone or everyone knew how to reach their peak?
    Sport is fun. Very enjoyable, immense and mysterious.

    Should you blindly trust the advice of trainers, mentors, coaches?

    According to the trainer, advice such as "advice for today" (JacaCoach) is only supposed to make you think. It is supposed to light a red or green light - what I may be doing wrong, or what I am most likely doing very well.
    Ultimately, everyone is responsible for themselves, for their own body.
    Any advice from a third party can be stretched and overinterpreted in such a way (usually for your own convenience, benefit) that something completely opposite can come out of good advice.
    And not so extreme, because it is often encountered: you can also look for advice from different people, the ones that will suit you best - it is a matter of choosing who is worth trusting.

    Are injuries a bad thing?

    According to the trainer, injuries are a beautiful thing. The body's natural defense against bad decisions and often sick ambitions. If you don't listen to your own body, it will do everything for you. In the most drastic cases, you won't take a single more step :)

    Can anyone guarantee an increase in fitness?

    According to the trainer, based on training experience and research, it is possible to predict the body's reactions to a certain point. This is what training is all about.
    What makes sport beautiful and timeless?
    The beauty of the body. Its unpredictability, enormous complexity, level of intricacy.
    The ability to rebel and reward.
    The multitude of factors that affect the final well-being, strength, or endurance.
    This is where training errors and failures come from.
    Despite the tools a person has, the body is still a beautiful mystery.

    Is it worth investing in a better bike?

    If something helps motivate us to do a workout, physical activity. If such an investment translates into our healthier, stronger body. If the purchase does not keep us awake at night and does not lead to financial problems. If the purchase is not another toy in a month or a year, in a moment littering the world.
    This.. however, is still an individual matter for every thinking person.
    But you should take care of your body anyway.

    Walking or cycling?

    Pro tip for a total amateur/sports enthusiast.
    Is it worth going on a so-called "bike"? (this behavior has become common among people who want to lose a few kilos)
    According to the trainer, it is a bit overrated.
    Slow cycling is more like sitting, not doing sports.

    Walking, where you engage the muscles of the whole body, will bring more benefits than cycling without changing the heart rate.
    Of course, we are not talking about regenerative training of a person who is following a training plan.

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