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    22 February 2025

    Data cleaning

    Note: Data cleaning will be carried out on 1 March 2025. The training history of current athlets will be deleted (later, on an ongoing basis, for new ones as well). Trainings (excluding days when tests are scheduled) with a date older than 3 months will be deleted. Athlets who care about the history of their training are asked to save the training history in their own traditional or electronic cycling diaries (if they do not already do so).

    18 February 2025

    The only and official address of the JacaCoachTEAM

    The only and official address of the JacaCoachTEAM website is: www.jaca.coach

    Due to the fact that we are trying to block all possible web robots, we will most likely disappear from all popular search engines.
    Access to the site will be possible by traditionally entering the correct URL address of our site (www.jaca.coach or jaca.coach) into the web browser.

    (JacaCoachAPP application unchanged: app.jaca.coach)

    14 February 2025

    We have finished expanding the website. What’s new?

    (Updated 14.02.2025 - additional new section)
    We wanted to make a website and access to sports for everyone.
    It came out a bit like "the further into the forest, the darker".

    Children who have not managed to master the units or even reading are completely excluded.

    So the jaca.coach website is not for everyone.

    But we hope that we have managed to expand the group of recipients :)

    New sections have appeared

    "Training for today"
    "Meal in 5 minutes"
    "Fun fact for today"
    The goal is to facilitate access to sports and a healthy lifestyle.

    12 February 2025

    Statistics analysis

    jacek analyzes statistics in this way
    -looks at how many visits there are
    -looks at the list of countries
    -looks at which country browses the page the most
    -wonders why this country visits us
    -if a new country appears on the list, he checks its history in Wikipedia (any wars, colonies, independence), terrain, seas, population density, vegetation, sometimes animals
    -searches in Google what girls from this country look like :))))))))) every time
    -and if there is no new country, he reads more about those that have already been

    Such analyses

    9 February 2025

    We are changing the way the tip of the day is drawn.

    You draw (although we can also draw something) from all the tips.
    Without priorities, without checking if the tip has been drawn before.
    At most, they will be repeated
    and at most, some will never be drawn! :)
    which also has its charm.

    7 February 2025

    JacaCoachAPP an integral part of the entire system

    Because we found some voices that you don't quite like the "splitting" of the website and the JacaCoachAPP application.
    That's the impression some people had - and rightly so, because jacek wondered whether to completely separate the application from the www.jaca.coach website
    Ultimately, we decided to unify both services so that they would form one whole.
    Today, a new version of the JacaCoachAPP application 2.1 appeared with the same graphic design as the www website.
    New graphic design: www.app.jaca.coach

    Until now, in the statistics (those summarizing) we excluded the JacaCoachAPP application. Now, if we share statistics, they will be data for the entire server (like those from the list of countries from awstats).

    7 February 2025

    We present statistics

    For some time now JacaCoachTEAM has been presenting statistics of website/server visits.
    In our opinion, they should be treated as a curiosity.

    We have chosen those lists that, in our opinion, allow us to get to know you in some way.
    And by viewing them, you can get to know each other.

    That's how we imagine it :)

    By reviewing statistics from a longer period, statistics generated by one service provider, in one way.. we have a certain picture of the situation where we are in our activities :)

    We could explain a lot, e.g. where the name "jacacoach.pl" comes from. How data is collected on the server. What is it about bots, etc. We do not want to complicate the whole thing. We do not know everything ourselves either.

    Will we always present statistics?
    We do not know.
    At this point, it seems to be a nice enhancement of the website and it is a kind of contact with you :)

    6 February 2025

    Why exactly these languages ​​on the site?

    These are purely practical choices.
    We have chosen some of the most commonly used languages ​​in the world plus a native trainer, in which he can best (although always now) express himself.

    The choices are rather practical.
    Of course, there are other languages ​​also frequently used, the languages ​​of people visiting us, but the current 3 language versions are our maximum.

    The choices are also purely.. "technical" because writing in Chinese or Cyrillic are an insurmountable barrier for us at the moment (different keyboard).

    The only thing left would be to rely 100% on copy/paste translators, and that's not the point.
    We hope that the selected languages ​​are familiar enough or easy to translate so that you can understand our message.
    (sometimes there may be errors in translations - we are aware of that)
    (we use Google Translate for translations + we add our own corrections according to our possibilities and knowledge of the languages)

    3 February 2025

    Server configuration change

    In order to ensure the highest quality of services (which we provide via the Internet), we are changing the server parameters to more efficient ones.
    Increased traffic on the website, which is of course one of our goals, may have recently caused temporary problems in the operation of the website and the JacaCoachAPP application.

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