Online coaching care - via the Internet, means that thanks to such cooperation, distance and place of residence do not matter.
You can train anywhere in the world, at any time of the day or night.
All information, tips and guidelines can be found in the JacaCoach application, available 24 hours a day. ♥6 November 2023
The end of the summer season is a period of maintenance and inspection of equipment, so questions arise about what to improve and what to invest in.
In addition to the "equipment" topics, there are thoughts about the new season and related questions. ♥4 November 2023
What I value most is that everything is clearly specified, the training is described in detail step by step and I always know what I have to do every day.
Feeling great (during training, after training).
The form is growing.
A new article in the JacaCoach Application describing human capabilities and limits from the point of view of form construction (watts, times obtained during tests). Cycling training, running training, triathlon.
These are conclusions from JacaCoach's observations over the years.
Additionally, the trainer describes possible progress during the first 1-2 years of training. ♥28 October 2023
There is no notice period for terminating cooperation.
Establishing cooperation - you do not sign any contract.
All you need is a placed and paid order. ♥27 October 2023
Communication with the player is one of the basic elements improved and developed since the beginning of the JacaCoach project.
The new functionality in the JacaCoach application has just been implemented on the production server. ♥24 October 2023
The success of the two previous editions of the eBook "Sport by JacaCoach" (1 and 2) is the motivation and reason why the next part of the mentioned series of electronic books is being created.
The topics contained in these works present cycling, triathlon and running, often from a slightly different, less common perspective. ♥20 October 2023
Diet is often a key element when working with a trainer.
Often, it is the only and very wise investment in your health (even without practicing sports or working with a trainer on training).
The decision was made a long time ago.
Such an element must be part of JacaCoach's offer, and the tools that facilitate and support cooperation with the client/mentee are constantly being improved so that the clients can develop optimally in this area. ♥18 October 2023
Periodic cleaning of data of former clients training under JacaCoach (cycling, running or triathlon) is also an important element of the overall cooperation with JacaCoach.
Another data wipe completed. ♥