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    Rebuilding the trainer panel (Update)

    (Update 22.02.2025: Reconstruction completed)
    Work is underway to create a new, more efficient trainer panel (training management), as well as user management. Due to this, there may be temporary technical problems in the JacaCoachAPP application in the coming days. Information about the completed work will appear on the website.

    Data cleaning

    Note: Data cleaning will be carried out on 1 March 2025. The training history of current athlets will be deleted (later, on an ongoing basis, for new ones as well). Trainings (excluding days when tests are scheduled) with a date older than 3 months will be deleted. Athlets who care about the history of their training are asked to save the training history in their own traditional or electronic cycling diaries (if they do not already do so).

    Login error in JacaCoachAPP

    Due to blocking web robots, we have unfortunately also blocked some functionalities in JacaCoachAPP. Unintentional action. The problem has been fixed and the application is working correctly again.

    The only and official address of the JacaCoachTEAM

    The only and official address of the JacaCoachTEAM website is: www.jaca.coach

    Due to the fact that we are trying to block all possible web robots, we will most likely disappear from all popular search engines.
    Access to the site will be possible by traditionally entering the correct URL address of our site (www.jaca.coach or jaca.coach) into the web browser.

    (JacaCoachAPP application unchanged: app.jaca.coach)

    Incorrect message

    During all types of draws (for today etc.) after passing the anti-spam check, an incorrect message (misleading) appeared. The problem has been fixed.

    Transfer details in the JacaCoachAPP application

    New content has appeared in the Payments tab in the JacaCoachAPP application.
    It is no longer just a link to the www.jaca.coach website
    There are transfer details there too.
    (they may be useful in case of any technical problems on the www.jaca.coach website, and it is also possible that the website and the JacaCoachAPP application will operate independently in the future, on separate servers)

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