Online coaching care - via the Internet, means that thanks to such cooperation, distance and place of residence do not matter.
You can train anywhere in the world, at any time of the day or night.
All information, tips and guidelines can be found in the JacaCoach application, available 24 hours a day.
Information collected over the years, searching for the best solutions, observing, listening, implementing. JacaCoachTEAM is constantly developing. Training the head trainer and obtaining further qualifications - this is a "project"! The JacaCoach project is not yet fully completed and never will be.
If new needs, thoughts, observations and conclusions arise.
New solutions are emerging to meet them.
The JacaCoach application saw the light of day in 2017 - with impressive success and great approval from the clients.
The end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023 will bring huge changes in terms of the development of the JacaCoach Application.
Cooperation with new partners, new interface, new priorities, new training concept that had to be properly "provided" to the player.
In Online Training, the application is a medium of communication.
This is information passed from the coach to the player and from the player to the coach.
This is a key element of Coach-Athlete communication.
What's new does not mean the appearance of new functionalities that will overwhelm the athlete.
This means that after years of using the application by JacaCoach's players, it is already known what the players' needs are.
What do they use, what do they need, what do they value in cooperation, what promotes their best development.
There were no mistakes in previous years, there was a lot of work that ultimately made up the current success of the JacaCoach Application.
JacaCoachTEAM is looking for new solutions but does not open doors already opened.
Knowledge and experience, like building blocks, build a whole.
Everything that has been used over the years is still used, but in an organized and well-thought-out form.
From solid foundations to equally important details.
Hugely important.
The ability to adjust the training load and the ability to understand the athlete are big challenges.
It is easier for a coach who is a former professional athlete to know the problems related to injuries, training too hard, and problems with motivation.
All this is known only too well.
Experienced for yourself.
However, years of coaching experience allow you to learn to translate your own experience into meeting the needs of the player and sometimes solving his/her problems.
A player is always an individual and unique unit.
We either do something 100% or not at all.
There is no room for half measures.
There is no room for something that works "somehow".
The trainer's conscientiousness, care for the student and his/her development are priority elements.
If there is something that needs improvement that has not been improved over the years, then there is either no need for it, it has not worked, and it is not beneficial for the person being cared for and their development.
this will be improved.
JacaCoach is tradition, observations, fascination with the human body and its possibilities, adherence to ethical principles consistent with the coach, but not only that.
The JacaCoach project is also about innovation.
Integration with top external applications and skillful use of their capabilities.
Searching for new solutions in such a way that they do not kill the spirit of sport, but facilitate cooperation with the players.
They gave the athlete opportunities to develop in times when it's hard to find time for yourself.
JacaCoach is not only about acquired certificates, knowledge, years of coaching experience.
JacaCoach started cycling in the late 90s and raced professionally with success on Polish roads, gaining valuable experience and knowledge about the sport.
Cycling and sports are not only the 90s.
The coach has gained and continues to gain experience during competitions (in road cycling, MTB, triathlon) in subsequent years starting in 2015, which was the year of returning to competition and racing.
This knowledge is exceptionally valuable because it allows you to put yourself in the place of a competitor in practically every situation and understand them.