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  • Szukaj
    Clear results

    18 January 2025

    Personal data and e-mail address are no longer required to place an order and cooperate.

    As of today, JacaCoachTEAM introduces the possibility of placing orders without having to provide your name and surname and e-mail address. Just provide a Nickname and use the same when paying for the order.

    The same when establishing cooperation in the field of coaching care – personal data and e-mail address are no longer required (of course, nothing changes in terms of the other parameters of the training person such as age, weight, availability, etc.).
    Something at the expense of something and any links, passwords should of course be saved on your own because in such a case (no e-mail address) there is no possibility of recalling this data.

    P.S. In payment systems, an e-mail address and personal data are required, but they do not have to belong to the person placing the order (note: JacaCoachTEAM does not save data from the payment form but has access to them in the payment system or in the transfer data).