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    Top speeds on a road bike

    Steady riding on a flat section of about 20 km means speeds of about 45 km/h
    Sprinting is about 60 km/h.
    Speeds on descents are usually 60-70 km/h but here a lot depends on how much someone wants to risk, because they can be much higher.
    Climbs in the mountains? The steeper the climb, the lower the speed, but on a "standard" climb of about 7% it will be about 20 km/h

    What is a good average speed on a road bike?

    Easy/medium-intensity ride of about 30 km/h (average speed).
    Maximum effort over a distance of 10-40 km of about 40 km/h average.
    (on flat terrain).
    A beginner will achieve an average speed of about 25-27 km/h